Monday, July 18, 2011

Would you vote for Sarah Palin based solely on her towering intellect?

I do not want her to be the GOP nominee. The .00005% chance that she could win is too high for me. Can you imagine the four years following her election? It would be apocalyptically bad.

Obscene drop out and flunking rates in public schools...why?

Instead of public schools concentrating on actually educating our kids, they have turned into a propaganda political machine, that stifles learning, even to the point of removing history from text books and re-writing it. Students have to be taught what's true, or the aren't learning at all.

Is it possible to fail in life? will i always be a failure?

Dear Lildreamer, by reading your question over and over again I realized that you are of a above average intelligence and because you worry of such things makes you a good hearted person. You shouldn't listen to what everyone says and keep trying your best. Don't heed the ill minded voices that try to discourage you and do not drop out of High School. Prove to them all that you will not be what they think you'll be and live your own life based on what you want to do, not what others say you can do. I really hope that my advice helps you. Best wishes, Sin

I want to get rid of my bullying elder sister...please?

i want to get rid of my elder sister seriously...she is a torture to me....she bullies me every time..she beats me for small things with heavy utensils..and once she threatened me when she had a spoon in her hand and she was like.."if i'd had knife in my hands..i would insert that into you...yes..she can do elder sister age 24 years old who can beat her younger sister with kitchen utensils rolling pins etc...she can do anything...more than that sh is sooo jealous of me...if i look good...she would call me a w.h.o.r.e..if i like to wear shorts in home...she would tell me to change it... coz she and her boyfriend stays in the same she cant stand me....and afterall its my home too..i can wear anything i like...more than that everything is separate for rice ..coking..i mean EVERYTHING..!!! and if by mistake i had touch anything that belongs to her..she would come howling at me..almost burying me in..i'd say her i thought this was mine ....and then she would say..."huhh i know what you do when i am not in the kitchen..using my things..and then again she starts all over....i go to my room and shut the door...still she keeps on saying from behind the door...she is soo irritating!!! know. when i cook something and keep it in the table...she takes a spoon and eat..tasting and all that...if i make cake..she would eat like a half of it....yesterday i made chicken she tore the coating a bit and ate it.... still i didnt say anything.....i never would fight for food.. most mom n dad dad wants me to stay with her like forever till the time i am in Bangalore..and now they are looking for purchasing a house where again i have to stay with her for about 2 years...i cant stay with such a girll...cant believe she is my real sister....ahe always has to dominate me...she cant stand if mum dad loves me...she cant stand my boyfriend...she cant stand my success..she cant stand my friends....she is DAMN JEAOUS of everything i have...cant stay like suckksss..!!!!!..

What are some typical jobs most male high school dropouts are eligible to do?

Take a typical guy who never finished high school. What kinds of legitimate jobs do most of these guys do for a living--particularly as they get older, have kids and raise families? I don't mean part-time fast food service jobs, which are actually mainly performed by teenagers already in school.

Any suggestions to get a d1 scholarship?

im going to be a junior. im 5 foot 9. i play shooting guard. im willing to switch to pg. i have alrite ballhandling skills. i rarely miss mid range shots. im at a small school and i want to make basketball my life. oh n if you can, give me advice to help me get taller

I think i lost my best friend?

my best friend of god only knows how many years recently started talking to this girl who is absolutely no good, high school dropout and basically an alcoholic at 19 years old, and i politely asked him wtf he was doing. he then went on a ludicrous rant for 20 mins( im assuming it was that long as i received 15 text messages simultaneously) about how im an asshole and how all he wants to do is be happy and i never let him and that im jealous of his every being and blah blah blah, when first off i was doing my best friend duty of telling him he was about to **** up big time and i told him that the only jealous i was is that he can get any girl he wants, which is actually true, but yet he is too stupid to find the girl that is actually good for him. well i apologized and told him that he can do what he likes and that im there for him if it doesn't work out and he goes on another preposterous tirade of how im a dick and that no matter what he tries nothing is ever good enough for me and blah blah blah so i said kid look i said im sorry what is your deal and he told me to **** off!!!!!!! did i do something wrong i mean i was just trying to help he has tried this with 2 other girls and i told him it was going to be bad and i was right but he wouldn't listen so was i wrong here or is he just being a jackass about this whole thing

You learn something every day don't you?

hahahahahahahahaha that is SOOOOOO funny!! thank you so much for posting this! it made my day XD hahahaha thankyou thankyou thankyou!! :))))))

My dog started yelping suddenly...?

I'd have him checked to be sure but if you were all out of the room and going away both times then its possible he may be feeling bummed out and looking for attention, my own dogs have learned to act like theyre practically choking for attention once they know barking won't work and they feel the other is having more attention than them, and somebodys learnt to pretend it is having a fit for attention as unfortunately its sister died of a fit when it was young and it learnt through watching her

Is it sometimes NOT a good idea to put off having kids?

I know that people say less educated people usually have their kids young and have loads of them, while more educated people put off having kids until they're comfortable with their careers. So let's say the average high school dropout have their first kid at age 16-17, and by age 25 have like 4 or 5 kids. While the Bachelor's degree person has their first kid in their late 20's to early 30's. Some even later than that. But think about it. By the time an educated person would be at the top of their careers, they would be more than likely in their mid-late 30's. A woman's chance of conceiving biologically starts to lower after the age of 35. By the time a woman is 40 her chances of conceiving are even more lower, and even if she does get pregnant she has a high chance of giving birth to a child with birth defects. These are usually the same women who put their careers first instead of wanting to raise a family. They look down on less educated people who have kids they didn't save financially on, but at the same time they're crying because their child was born with a defect. Which from what I hear is not easy at all to do and take care of. Yes I understand that it's good to have some money saved up to have kids, but at the same time you don't have to have all the money in the world to raise kids either. Income also doesn't determine your parenting skills. Your thoughts?

I wanna talk about school dropouts...?

Most people I go to school with, or in general, don't yet know what they want to be. My smartest friend in the entire school is having anxiety attacks because she doesn't want to make $50,000 a yr. I already know what I wanna do, and if I really wanted to, I could pursue it right this minute. I honestly could care less if I'm not getting paid a ton, enough to get me by really, as long as I'm doing what I want. I'll admit, my grades have tooken on a huge dip, from being an honour roll student, because I personally don't enjoy it anymore. I've been debating about dropping out, but I have something to fall back on, not like most drop outs. Is it possible to be ready for the 'real world' without actually graduating?

What does this dream mean?

Maybe it means your stressed or worried about something. Dreams could have a meaning or maybe not. No one really knows. Is there something that your scared of or worried about?

I'm opening a boutique in the fall and need to find wholesale suppliers. Suggestions?

I want to stock women's clothing, junior's clothing, men's clothing (possibly), children's clothing, accessories, purses, jewelry, beauty products, paper products, candles, home decor, household items, etc. I want everything to be high end, boutique quality.

Black American, Would love to move to Europe ?

I find myself infatuated with a new lifestyle in a complete different society, a new culture to learn from . I plan of learning Spanish, French, and German fluently if not all three it will be two . I'm currently in Junior College , I will transfer and get my bachelors in business . If I decide to get my M.B.A , it will be international business.( I'm between majors ) Aside from my career choice , my choices of areas to live are France , England , London , & Italy if not live ... definitely visit! I've heard it to be very racist in Italy and France , what should I expect out the four places ??

Why do people go to job corps?

So my girlfriends stopes high school her junior year and is now at job corps. Can you still get your high school diploma at job corps and is there anything wrong about going there? Is it true that only dropouts and troubled kids go there? Can someone please help me out?

Why does my dog cry when i leave him?

My husband stayed with him in the car and I had to go pick up my niece so I got out of the car and he started howling whining and crying while looking out the window. Even when I have to use the bathroom he lays right next to the door until I come out and when I do he acts like he hasn't seen me in years. He is always on me, he doesn't socialize with anyone. I'm really starting to worry about him. I'm expecting my first born in 4 months and I really want to ween our dog off me so he won't be so dependant. He is 4 years old. We rescued him from a high kill shelter last september. We assume he was abused by a man because he's terrified of them. Except for my husband. He's a long coat chihuahua/pomerianian mix.

Could I get into music school after such a late start?

I started the violin in 5th grade. I am now going into 8th grade. In 7th grade i was the concertmistress in my 7/8 grade orchestra. The pieces that i have recently played are Hayden's Concerto no. 2 in G, Bachs Violin double, La Folia by Corelli, Allegro by Fiocco, and lastly mazas Etude no. 10. I was in Michigans 2011 All state orchestra. I am attending blue lake this year for two sessions. 3rd session i am going for violin. Im hoping to get i to symphony orchestra considering i was in Concert last year. 4th session I am going for composition. I got 1st place in michigans junior composition contest for middle school. I try to practice 1-2 hours a day. sometimes on weekends i get to 2.5. Am i on the right track? I know that i started pretty late to want to be a proffesional violinist. I also play piano. I have been playing piano for 4 years and just finished bachs invention no. 8. I practice piano for 1 hour a day. I practice volantarily in case you thought i was being forced. I love music. So, question time. Should i step up my practice time? What are some fun pieces at my difficulty level for violin? Am I on the right track to become a professional musician? I am hoping to go to The University of Miami. that could change considering my age. hehe. And lastly, would taking AP music theory in high school help my cause? thanks :)!

Why do I howl at the full moon?

It doesn't even have to be full for me to howl at it. Every time I see the moon I automatically howl at it.

A list of all 13 Miyazaki movies that were translated to english?

I know My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, & Kiki's Delivery Service. I'm pretty sure there are 13 of his films that were translated to english. Can someone plz list the rest of them??

Should I transfer high schools next year? Please Help!?

I see were you are coming from. I think you should transfer, because you should have the last to years be the best in high school. I recommend going to that other new high school and talking with one of the front desk people and see what they say.

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can it work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is recently unemployed but was working up until 2 months agoa) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. (He does NOT know this though) He also became the guardian of his 3 - 4 year old nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him (being more wary of who he dates)? For the relationship? It isn't really about age just where we are in life. I feel like he'd want someone more on his level/age. :/ What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

I don't want to be the same.?

By far my favourite out of the slander you've been posting. The ending gave me a nice chilly feeling which is a good effect. Nice work on this one.

I've got nothing to contribute to society. Nothing to live for?

Is there anything left for me to live for in life? I'm a college dropout who's completely broke with no job and am getting kicked out of my parents house for good because I was caught smoking pot.. I've got no friends (at all) and no one I can turn to. I've got some drug addictions (which my parents didn't know about, they only caught me smoking pot) that I don't want in my life but I feel far too addicted at this point to stop, which I will have to cold turkey since I have no money... I'm pretty sure I have schizophrenia or some (or even multiple) mental disorders since I've been seeing/hearing things that aren't there even after being off all the drugs for a few days. I just want to die, I don't see any other option really as I don't want to be some bum walking up to people on the streets and begging them for change. I doubt anyone would even care, really, because as I said I have no friends and my parents have stopped caring about me a long time ago, it's just only now that they're finally throwing me to the dogs.

Good colleges for nursing in NC or close by?

I'm a rising junior and i know that i want to be a nurse when i graduate high school. I will be a CNA when i graduate but i need an idea of what colleges to look at.

Poll: Are you going to be in college this fall?

Nope, never. I graduated HS in '09 and am focusing on entrepreneurship. There's not a college degree out there that can teach me something relevant to what I want to do in life.

I think my husband(her father) sexually abused my daughter...?

If this is genuine, which I find hard to believe, then I wonder why you were so unconcerned when your small daughter had bruises on her nipples and genitals. Why weren't you worried when your 3 year old daughter with bruised genitals started to hate her dad? Why your tiny daughter knew sexual things long before she reached puberty. It beggars belief, actually. In any case, it's your responsibility to tackle this, however late you are in realising it. Phone child services anonymously from outside your home, if you must. They have to investigate any allegation, so will ask questions without bias.

Could a high school dropout with a PPL become a commercial airline pilot?

Not in America (or Europe or most other countries). There are way too many qualified commercial pilots out there who not only graduated high school (when they were supposed to) but have a four year college degree.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I understand now why people did not try hard in school. Do you agee with me?

I was a straight A student throughout school. And now I can't even get a min. wage job! But the high school dropouts have a job! Why? Because they ditched school to go to parties! Where they made friends that would ILLEGALLY hand them a job! UNFAIR! But that's life. NOW I get why MOST students just did not care!

Should I take Strength and Conditioning classes for joining the basketball team?

I am a junior girl and I am gonna try out for the basketball team in my school the coming year. I am not really good in basketball but I am gonna work my butt off to make it. I recently came across this strength and conditioning camp, but I have no idea how this would help me. I havent worked out a lot for the past year though and I have a really bad speed. I also dont have a lot of experience with weights. Do you think I should take this camp, I actually wanna do some other stuff instead of this as this camp is gonna be really long and I dont know anybody else going to the camp either.

What helpful info can u give me to help my daughter get her feet wet?

she interested in criminal investigations work. she is a junior this yr and i want to know how i can get her started on it... please give me any helpful info.. thnx

Boyfriend Problems, please help.?

Me and my boyfriend are having a little bit of issues. His mom likes to get involved with our relationship. He is going to go to college in the fall as I will be a Junior in high school. His mom is really bitchy sometimes and tells him to get another job after he has two already. she controls his money and how he spends it. she told him to not hang out with me until he gets another job. What should he do? What should we do as a couple? please help, this has been going on for months (we have been dating for a year and a month)

Should i ground my adhd teenager with bad grades?

I have a 15 year old daughter who recently got diagnosed with adhd.she has been grounded a majority of junior high & freshmen year.she has very good behavior & she try's hard. i feel like she doesn'tt learn a lesson when i let her go out with friends, i receivedd her report card with b's 3d's & 1 F. how should i help or understand what she is going threw, and is grounding a solution? any information would help thank you!

A list of all the albums I'd give a perfect score to based on production only?

i would include Illmatic, Be, Fantastic Vol. 2, 36 Chambers, Only Built For Cuban Linx, and Hell On Earth.

Anybody in my bad situation? I am feeling worse. I bet nobody will be in such a bad situation like me?

He is your husband. Before marriage you would have thought the same but now he is taking care of your every need. Only education cannot bring happiness. If you are satisfied from inside you dont need education and cader. Now a days money can make almost everything. Just give him time and stand by his side for a good reason which will help you both to be in a higher level. Try to change him as per your requirement in dressing and manners, this will help you to see as your man. Those who are handsome outside are not handsome inside.

What should I do??...please help?

I'm going to be a junior next school year. I really don't know what I'm going to do after I graduate from high school. I want to do either medical school or business school, but I've always liked culinary. I know going to medical/business school will make A LOT of money, but I'm not really interested in blood, bones, stocks, math, and all that's associated with these two. I like cooking, but I'm not sure if that's going to make me a millionaire. I did some research and I found out culinary is number 5 in the LEAST paying jobs in the US. I'm also a good writer and I like English. I don't really believe in all that "follow your heart" crap...any advice???

Could I get into a Ivy League school if I had a 3.1 GPA Freshmen Year?

Could you? Yes. Will you? Almost certainly not. Even with a 4.0 in all years of high school, great SAT scores, and sports/activities, you'd be only about an average applicant for a top school. You need a lot more than that for a decent chance at one.

How should I build my memory?

I finished junior year (11th grade) and took some pretty difficult classes. I got bad grades (from an Asian perspective) and I noticed that I had difficulty memorizing information or sometimes just understanding it. I usually would study for tests the night before starting at like 8 pm until 3 am because of all my other homework and catching up on some sleep. Still, I couldn't memorize a lot of stuff before the tests. How should I prepare or improve for next year? Thanks!

My 14 year old daughter likes her 23 yr old brother best....?

She mostly only talks to him and follows him around.She has always done this and favored him more than anyone..more than her older sisters and when I had her baby brother,she didn't even care about that.She has always been uncomfortable around my husband and in a way avoided him.She never really talks to me just to talk..she only talks when I ask a question.She talks to my son all the time.He's a dropout and still lives with us.She follows him everywhere,when she's not doing that,she's alone.I ask her if she ever wants any of her friends to come over she says "No" and that she hates them.She says she hates everyone but her brother.She only hugs him goodnight and only tells him she loves him.One of my friends says it's incest (I don't think it is.).I asked my nieces to talk to her,but they tried to make her hate him and said alot of things they shouldn't have.What to do?

He really likes me? Or Flirting with me?

I have known him since my junior yr in high school he was a senior then. Now he is a freshman in college. I am a senior.He was in my class junior yr. But now he is in college. I send him a friend request on facebook. I liked his 2 pics on facebook and he liked my whole picture album? I asked him why did u accepted me to your list. I am your friend right??? He said yeah. When I'm on facebook I like his pics and the places he went to. Should I stop liking his pics, status, places. I did this about 3 times this month. He only liked my pics album not my wall posting. He's Pakistani Muslim. I'm Sikh Indian.I am the only Indian girl who is from his school and were in the same class .....we basically were not friends then..... we become friends on facebook. he talks to me for 1 or 2 hrs after 1 or 2 weeks or 5 days.. I asked him why don't u add more girls he just said that he does not need that many girls? But I want to know through facebook does he really like me. I am the Indian girl friend on his list. Rest are boys. I don't want to ask him to hang out or txt him first. Infact I want him to ask me to hang out with him. I don't think this is going to happen until I am in college with him in 3 months. He does not have girls on his list. Only 3 american girls. I am the Indian girl friend on his list. Rest are boys. I don't think he flirt with me on facebook. He chats if i write something funny he write lol

Im feeling a little down, how can i cheer myself up?

Im 15 and well.. im a dropout, i stay at home and play computer games mostly, and well my friends still go to school, and when they finish school they usually come online and play with me too, but lately i've been feeling like none of them want to talk to me or they're too busy or have better things to do. Im too lets say "ashamed" to go back to school because of all the work i've missed out on, and i know how this is meant to be one of the most important years for me due to all the test i have at the end, its just im a very shy guy and dont speak out much, i just need some cheering up, help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Why does my dog keep howling?

So we had another dog over for about two weeks. She left about 4 days ago, and now my dog (male) is now howling non stop

A teen mother's dilemma: baby vs. school. Do you have advice or insight?

I don't think you should drop out of high school. I would go see your guidance counselor at school and discuss all of your options with her. Their is subsidized daycare that you can get on for childcare. Without and education your never going to make it in life. Its the best thing you can do for your child. Once you get your high school diploma, their are so many ways to continue your education. You have night classes, online schools to choose from etc. You can apply for financial aid, loans etc. Most who drop out do not ever get their diploma or GED. So i think you should really think about not only your future, but your child's. Your child is going to be depending on you, if you have no money to financially afford her.....well your child suffers.

Isn't it a wondeful breakthrough that Christians will be able to go to church as naked as God intended them to?

Clothing is sinful, why should people be ashamed of the bodies God has given them? If it wasn't illegal by the laws of men to be naked in public and criticized by society I would prefer not to wear clothing as God intended.

How do you qualify for the Junior Olympics?

I'm on the air rifle shooting team for NJROTC at my high school. What I want to know is how do I get either my team or myself qualified for the Junior Olympics? Any info would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

Having a less educated boyfriend is giving me much dilemma... PLEASE HELP?

this is probably an annoying thing to say but DO WHAT YOUR HEART TELLS YOU. I am only 17 but all the mistakes ive made in life are ones where ive done what other people want me to do rather than doing what my heart tells me to do and im serious. If your not ready for marriage talk to your bf about it and he'll understand, and his parents sound cool so im pretty sure they will too. If in your heart you know that your future is in your studies then follow that... if not than stay with your bf. literally as you are sitting there reading this feel into your heart centre in the middle of your chest, and sense what it is you want. Follow that!! Seriously Ive been in a relationship where people have told me he I could do bettter, etc. and ive ended them.. and all I wish is that someone told me to ( excuse my french ) Fu*k them all and do what i wanna do. Sorry about the spelling in this by the way i have a broken arm so i can only type with one hand haha. Hunny i hope you find what you wan t in life and what makes YOU happy. If you have already found it, stick with it !xxx

If I gain weight will it force my mom to stop buying me kids clothes!?

I'm skinny and she buys me little kids clothes. EVENTHOUGH I CAN fit juniors. I have hips and a booty so it's not like I'm just a stick. But maybe if I gained so much that I couldn't fit kids then she will HAVE to buy more mature clothes right? lol. And yes I've tried talking to her about it and she says "Your the child, I'm the adult" I'm not in my preteens btw, I'm in my older teens!

Do you think ill be able to be represented by an agency?

Im a 14 year old boy that loves to act and sing. I've been in theatre for 3 years. Im pretty sure i have enough experience: UIL One Act ranked superior, 10 Speech tournaments, Junior Varsity High school drama team, Willy Wonka: The musical, 3 years of theatre starting my 4th year. I have a variety of talents also Dance, Singing, Piano and I love to Act. I also have an outgoing personality, which is one of the things they ask for. So i was just wandering if anybody thought that i had a chance to get represented by them. They have asked me to send my Resume and Headshot to them tonight.

Are wolves that howl at the moon thanking it for protecting them?

Wolves, coyotes, and dogs that howl at the moon appear to do so with great urgency. Their passion and candor when at howl are unmistakenly human.

Work and resume question?

you should visit "" that website will be provide you best article and you can visit also "… its also best..

What should I do with this puppy?

It is almost 2am and my dog who is around 6 months keeps whining at the door. She lives in my room and I can't let her out of the room because she will make more noise and everyone is sleeping. Should I just ignore it? What's wrong with her?What should I do?I can not take her outside in the middle of the night because the door rings whenever it is opened. It is loudest in the master bedroom. And she always pees or poos on her pad. I let her go out earlier but she was just walking in the kitchen howling.She is not my dog but I take care of her for her real owners/the owners of this house. They are really strict with the noise levels when every one is sleeping. I let her out for like the 5th time but my cousin (who I share the room with) brought her back in saying,"Can you keep her in here?" which was more of a statement even though she is 7 years younger than me. So I guess I have to keep her in here. She keeps making noise.

Do I have a good chance of getting into a good school?

Based on the schools you've chosen above, I'd say your chances are fine. However, with a GPA like that it will be insanely hard to get in anywhere better. Oh, and colleges don't know that you're required to take religion classes and they don't necessarily know how hard your high school is, so it might be difficult.

Isn't it a wondeful breakthrough that Christians will be able to go to church as naked as God intended them to?

As the proverbial snake, I like to see religious nuts becoming more divided and hateful towards one another over time. It will eventually be the death of serious religion. (This is why "New Age" is so popular now--the idea that it's fine to believe whatever the hell you want.) Good stuff.

Should I retake my SAT with this score?

I took my SAT in september of junior year, and I'm just wondering if i need to retake it? I got a 2180 (CR: 800, W: 730, M: 650)...obviously math isn't my strong suit. I want to apply to pretty good schools, including a few Ivy's. My GPA and extracurriculars are all good, its just my SAT that's a little below average for the schools im applying to. However, im going into my senior year next year and i dont really have any time to study, since im doing college apps all summer. is it necessary for me to retake it to have a chance at schools like stanford and columbia? i know my scores are kind of low, but i have strong extracurriculars and a GPA that's higher than the average for those schools. i'd really appreciate any advice you can give me!

My 14 year old daughter likes her 23 yr old brother best....?

She mostly only talks to him and follows him around.She has always done this and favored him more than anyone..more than her older sisters and when I had her baby brother,she didn't even care about that.She has always been uncomfortable around my husband and in a way avoided him.She never really talks to me just to talk..she only talks when I ask a question.She talks to my son all the time.He's a dropout and still lives with us.She follows him everywhere,when she's not doing that,she's alone.I ask her if she ever wants any of her friends to come over she says "No" and that she hates them.She says she hates everyone but her brother.She only hugs him goodnight and only tells him she loves him.One of my friends says it's incest (I don't think it is.).I asked my nieces to talk to her,but they tried to make her hate him and said alot of things they shouldn't have.What to do?

Females who show excessive cleavage?

I'm not sure what you mean by "excessive" cleavage. Some of us just have more cleavage no matter what... because we have bigger boobs. I do agree that it's silly if you're wearing something that's clearly intended to display "the girls"... and then you get upset that someone notices them. But I'm still a little confused on what your definition of "excessive" is.

Need advice related to education?

I have seen many people who they had had reasons or rationalizations for dropping out of school. Almost all of them have been sorry, yet almost all thought that for some reason that they are the exception. Do not fall into the trap to which you are headed./

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is a size 7 in jeans fat?

I'm 14 in 9th grade. And I'm 5'4. I don't know if I need to lose weight or if I'm ok? And it's a size 7 in juniors.

Am I done for because I'm not college material?

In this day and age, so-called experts claim that college is the only path to success and great careers. I believe this to be somewhat true, but I hope there are alternatives that still lead to the promised land. I noticed that many billionairies/millionaries were college-dropouts or never went there, but ofc they are exceptional people and geniuses. I never did really good in high school and wasn't motivated. If i'm not the type of person who learns in classrooms and books, what else could I do? there's still the chance I might goto community college, but yeah I'm open for alternatives. Please help!

Hard Work Does Not Pay Off?

- Like most things in life, more than one element of effort is needed to succeed. How hard you work is one element. There are others. Judging the likelihood of success or failure by your efforts in one element is like judging whether you can swim when you only move one arm in the water.

Whats the best way to crate train a puppy?

I'm struggling to crate train my puppy, maybe I'm just asking too much too soon. Anyway we put her in the crate lastnight (which is at the bottom of the stairs to our room) and she cried, howled constantly so we opened the door, she managed to make her way up the stairs and came to say hello then went to sleep on the floor and only cried once at about 6am to go for a wee. Is this bad, as i know people say your dog should never sleep in your room but she wasn't on the bed but on the floor and settled really well, but now I'm worried when we have to leave her to go to the shops to get food she's going to cry continuously. Is there anything i can do to make her feel safe and secure in her crate when left for short periods 1hr max! Thanks. Sorry to keep asking questions but this site really helps lol.

Can anyone give me advice on a drawing(preferably male but doesnt rlly matter)?

I was asked by my uncle to draw him a tattoo. The only specifications he gave me was that he wanted a father/daughter symbolization being it a wolf and cub, dragon andwas t baby, tiger and cub so on and so forth he said any animal I wanted and he wanted it to symbolize father and daughter and other then that he wants his daughters name "Makayla rae" somewhere in the picture hidden where you have to really look hard to tell its there. I am think of doing a wolf and wolf cub either both howling at the moon and have them both tribal with a tribal moon and stars. I was going to have a star for each letter of her first name and each star would be tribal with the letter hidden in it and the moon would be tribal with the second name rae hidden inside it. But I was also thinking instead just the father could be howling and the baby curled up at his feet or they could both be nuzzling each other or the father could be howling up at the moon and the baby be curled up on top of the moon symbolizing that she is far away because right now they are in different states. But im not sure if he would like this or not. Can someone please tell me your ideas of how you think i should do it and what I could add to it or if i should change it completely and use a totally different animal or way of doing. I just need some ideals and help making a choice. Thanks for reading this and takin the time to answer and sorry for this being so long!

Why is my dog crying so much when i leave her?

i have a very young minpin. and she has grown very attached to me. But whenever I leave her, whether its to go to a different room or go to sleep, she cries so loud and won't stop. I know you have to ignore dogs when they cry then eventually they will get better but as much as i tried that it did no good. a couple nights ago she slept in my room and started crying (because i was on the bed while she was on the floor away from me). i didnt get much sleep after, so my mom decided to move the location of her bed to a different room. but since its downstairs and im upstairs she howls and cries all night. is there ANYTHING i can do to reduce the amount of crying. im desperate to know and i don't wanna punish her in any way. please help

When can i take the SAT test and how should i prepare for it?

i just finished junior year and i'm going into my senior year of high school. i need to send my college applications in between this September-December so i'll be sure that i'll be eligible for most colleges in my state. when does the SAT start up again? i wanna get it done as soon as possible, and how should i prepare for it? I've never been very good at school especially when it comes to math (algebra and geometry) and essay writing for English...what can i do over the summer to prepare myself? advise? tips? oh! and is the SAT test hard? thanks!!!

My cats keep disappearing, what to do?

I live in coyote country, I have, no wait- had 4 cats. I'm down to one now, we keep hearing coyotes howl get closer to the house every day. I have a dog and cat left, how to keep them safe?

Chance getting into these colleges?

Being Asian is equivalent to losing ~75 point on your SAT score, so to be competitive for these schools you need to score at least 2280 on the real SAT.

How much higher could I get a 2.8 GPA by halfway through next year?

I'm a junior and entering senior year with a 2.8 GPA. If I got straight As before the application process around February, how much higher could I get my GPA?

Must I include my high school GPA on my resume for a work-study job in my upcoming first year of college?

My GPA isn't bad, but it just isn't something I would brag about, especially since it's on the low end in comparison to the GPAs of people who were accepted to the college I'll be attending in a few months. If I have to include it, can I point out my upward trend? I went from a 2.8 GPA in 9th and 10th grade to a 4.5 in my junior and senior years.

American Chopper- When Does The New Season Start?

I've really liked watching the Paul Sr. Vs Paul Jr. episodes this year. I think the last one was like a month or so ago with the Cadillac bike build off. Juniors was way better IMO. Have they been picked up for another season and when will that be? I can't find anything about that on the web.

Did you dropout of college and succeed? what did you do, take a job training or other?

I dropped out and joined the armed forces as a corpsman. When I returned to college, I was able to raise my GPA from 2.5 to 3.5 in my final two years. I then went to grad school, and worked for 25+ years as a logistics manager - I then retired and entered seminary...I'm now a minister.

What should I do with this puppy?

It is almost 2am and my dog who is around 6 months keeps whining at the door. She lives in my room and I can't let her out of the room because she will make more noise and everyone is sleeping. Should I just ignore it? What's wrong with her?What should I do?I can not take her outside in the middle of the night because the door rings whenever it is opened. It is loudest in the master bedroom. And she always pees or poos on her pad. I let her go out earlier but she was just walking in the kitchen howling.She is not my dog but I take care of her for her real owners/the owners of this house. They are really strict with the noise levels when every one is sleeping. I let her out for like the 5th time but my cousin (who I share the room with) brought her back in saying,"Can you keep her in here?" which was more of a statement even though she is 7 years younger than me. So I guess I have to keep her in here. She keeps making noise.

Im such a TURTLE ! help please(:?

.Not too easy Sofia to change your personality.Glad though you feel you're becoming more confident in your attitude towards guys.A good method is to join into a group,boys and girls.That way you can speak indirectly to people within the group and feel more comfortable

Isn't it a wondeful breakthrough that Christians will be able to go to church as naked as God intended them to?

If it makes them happy, it makes no difference to me. Plus it doesn't infringe my or anyone else's rights or safety, so I have no reason to be angry or protest.

If I gain weight will it force my mom to stop buying me kids clothes!?

I'm skinny and she buys me little kids clothes. EVENTHOUGH I CAN fit juniors. I have hips and a booty so it's not like I'm just a stick. But maybe if I gained so much that I couldn't fit kids then she will HAVE to buy more mature clothes right? lol. And yes I've tried talking to her about it and she says "Your the child, I'm the adult" I'm not in my preteens btw, I'm in my older teens!

Do you know about recruiting?

Hey! A college e-mailed me saying they were interested, sending me a packet and all for lacrosse. In the email though they think I'm a junior when really I'm going to be a senior next year. Do you think this will affect the scholarship? Is there any way that they can maybe use me in 2013 and wait a year? Any ways around this? Thanks!

What can a grad school dropout do?

I'm thinking about dropping out of my Masters program because of an adverse relationship with my advisor, but I'm afraid that I'll end up flipping burgers or trapped in a cubicle for the rest of my life. What should I do? I have a BA in Geography and a BS in Math, and I love what I'm doing, but it's just not working out with my advisor.

READ! Tell me what you think of these lyrics!?

I really liked it. Made me think of one of my ex ******* :P o and by the way thanks for answering my question :)

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can it work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is recently unemployed but was working up until 2 months agoa) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. (He does NOT know this though) He also became the guardian of his 3 - 4 year old nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him (being more wary of who he dates)? For the relationship? It isn't really about age just where we are in life. I feel like he'd want someone more on his level/age. :/ What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

I'm trying to lose weight but...?

I'm 16 years old and 5'6 too. I started out 133 lbs. In March I started exercising using the Wii Fit (I set a goal to burn 145 calories a day) and doing other exercises. I now weigh 118 lbs. The key is eating 3 healthy meals and ONLY eating when your stomach growls and your body tells you it's hungry. Sometimes when your stomach growl, you're just thirsty too. Try getting a glass of water before eating a full meal. Don't snack or eat junk food or soda. Never skip meals. If you discipline yourself and have a routine of working out and eating healthy, it'd be hard to be a size 5 by August, but set your goal at maybe October and you'll do great. Hope this helps!

Chances of getting into UCLA?

No chance on getting into UCLA, unless there was a flaw in the system and by luck you got in. The average GPA for people applying to UCLA is a 4.3 (sophomore gpa + junior gpa). Your senior year gpa does not count, even if you were to get a 4.5 or something, because they don't count senior year. Try applying to some other UC schools, such as UC Irvine, or UC santa cruz

Do you like the Howls Moving Castle anime ?

Of course I love Howl's Moving Castle I think all of director hayao's works are incredible. I especially loved the parts where Sophie would look young all of a sudden when she was feeling happy or loved. I've also heard hayao miyazaki is developing another movie, but I just can't remember what it's called. I'm so excited, YAY :D

(10 pts!)Applying to a college with a 60% acceptance rate and I have a 3.7 GPA?

Yeah I think you should get in 60% isn't that exclusive and your GPA is pretty good. The only problem might be if your school has advance/honors/AP classes but you only took standard. But that's really cool that you're doing a year abroad! I'm jealous! Oh and it's always better to have extra curriculars and it also depends on your sat scores.

Could you be electrocuted by spiting on the Third rail?

No. To be electrocuted, you need to be in electrical contact with the third rail and earth. The running rails are earthed but most footwear is fairly well insulated. If you fall onto the track so that you make contact with the live rail and a running rail, you will be electrocuted, but it's quite difficult to get electrocuted any other way.

Is she trying to call me fat?

here i am in my bed in my extra small old navy t-shirt and my size 1 junior pants. neither of which is tight. then her comes my mother in my room and has the same old navy shirt but in a different print in a size medium cause she says i need to start getting bigger sizes. i cried for an hour in bed. is she trying to say im fat? i am 5 foot 8 inches and 122 pounds my bmi is 18.5 18.5 and below is underweight by the way. so i am kicking my diet up a knotch and for tonights supper i had two appetite cubers and some diet tea. yum. did she try to insult me?

Can a Sgt do a 6105 entry on a Junior Marine?

My Sgt made me sign a 6105 counseling for being an hour late to work. Im not complaining, as I couldve easily received Article 15. But now I wonder since it was a Sgt and not at least a SNCO, will it go into the system, my ompf, or SRB? Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My brother scares me half of the time...idk why...?

Ok so I am a 13 year old girl.I have a 23 year old brother.He scares me half of the time.I don't know why.He doesnt do anything or change moods.Half the time I love talking to him because he's awesome and really fun to talk to,but the other time im positive he hates me and im scared of him even though he's still really cool.My mom is dissapointed because he never finished school and still lives with us and my step-dad has always hated him.He's pretty much the dropout guitar player,that smokes,and his parents are dissapointed in him and he scares the crap out of his little sister.Im seriously like 90% sure he hates me.I don't know why he scares me.I wish I did,but i dont.When I talk to him hes nice.I dont really think he would hurt me.Why do I feel like this? and what to do?

RHH: Am I Crazy for thinking College Dropout Isn't a Classic album?

Kanye was an above average rapper back then. His lyrics on Never Let Me Down, Jesus Walks, and Spaceship are godly.

Life without qualifications so depressing and bad?

well im on my gcse's and done couple of exams already but now i am feeling more depressed. I was pretty positive on 1 of the exams out of like 5 so far. Now im revising maths questions and it is so hard. I pay attention in class but why cannot i not do it. When i do a topic in class i remember it perfect for a couple of days then i completely forget how to do it. What shall i do? I live in UK but i want to work in hong knog when i am older!!! i am so unhappy and really dont know what life will be like after gcse's. People can say go to college but my brother goes a rubbish uni after he graduated at college but he says that you cant get a good job if you go to college and that college is just for dropouts/people who are thinking they are getting something out of it. I am so unhappy and really i really wish i could have a normal decent life when im older.

How do I get my cat so stop meowing all the time?

He will just sit either outside my door and howl to the point where I can hear him outside, and the neighbors have complained about his meowing, or sit right in the living and make my mother angry because she can never sleep because he annoys her so bad. I give him attention CONSTANTLY (i'm not exaggeration!) and he never shuts up. Hes not a Siamese (they are real talkers lol), hes just a plain black cat with a loud annoying mouth. My mom says if he wont learn to be quiet she is putting him outdoors (we have neighborhood cats and raccoon's everywhere so he will die). And I CANNOT leave my door open for him to socialize with me, because first of all, I have a hedgehog in my room, so It has to stay a certain temperature, and both of them would get hurt. Second of all, He has this thing, where he will take a poop like, under my dresser, or in my closet, or under my bed side table :( He always has food and water and toys so that's no big deal. We once got him a kitten to keep him company but all he did was attack it constantly, hide under the couches, and once she got a little older he would ALWAYS be trying to mount her, so she had to go :/ Any GOOD suggestions?

Why will the US Army accept me without a HS DIPLOMA yet the US Navy wont?

It doesn't matter if you score a 99 on the ASVAB, if the Navy isn't accepting GEDs right now you aren't going to get in. It has nothing to do with the recruiter thinking you aren't worth their time; you could go across town and they will still give you the same answer. The reason why you can join the Army but not the Navy is because the Army made a decision a few months ago to give GED holders who don't require moral waivers a chance to serve without forcing them to get 15 semester hours of college. Considering the way the economy is, you should be glad you have that opportunity. You should take advantage of it while you still can because they can stop taking GEDs at anytime and then you will have no choice but to get 15 semester hours no matter what branch you go to while still being unemployed and possibly living on the street if your mom kicks you out. The Army has a lot of different jobs to offer, you may find one close to what you would like to do in the Navy assuming you're not trying to work on a sub or anything like that.

In Howl's Moving Castle (the book), what happened between Calcifer and Howl when Sophie's heart played up?

It says in the end of the book that Howl and Calcifer had known almost the entire time that Sophie was with them that she was under a curse so, yes, this is an instance of Howl and Calcifer working together to try and remove the curse from her. I think what it means about her heart is they were trying to get it to beat like it should, as if she were a young girl, but it went back to beating like an old woman's.

Dragged down by society?

Well first off i'm black and from the ghetto and was made to believe I had a flaw by my community friends and family included.I was brainwashed from a young age to believe that flaw and was teased about it by my friends and family in the community.I became depressed and withdrawn and lost my funny and out going personality and became a serious unhappy person.Whenever I tried to better my life by enrolling in programs people would tease me about the made up flaw.Which made my self esteem even lower.Than I turned to drugs to ease the depression and emotions.I found recently that all I was fed was lies.And that they just wanted to bring me down to feel better about themselves and keep me down.Not to brag i'm a very handsome guy but thought I was ugly and less than which caused self hatred.What should I do now to get my life on track to be the person I was supposed and want to be.I'm currently a high school dropout I also moved away from that community and am now with the otherside of my family and wish I did it earlier I told them and they started crying?

Who do you think would win in these mma vs boxer fights?

Your question is hard to answer. It's like asking who would win football players or basketball players. What sport are they playing? MMA rules or Boxing Rules?

How can I have a better life?( I WILL DO whatever you say)?

Just hav waayyyy more confidence in yourself first of all!!! with a negative view on life and a bad attitude, you won't get much far. Try getting a job, start of small, so you can earn money to move out, get a car, bu clothes(ect) which will help getting friends. Be as social as possable! If you don't have a facebook, try creating an account. Be involved! Go places to meet new people, if it costs money, there's always places that don't. Get your GED, it will help with jobs. As far as your career, go online and look up careers that fit your interests. Play a sport!! Don't hold back from meeting new people. Try getting a new makeover, it might help boosting your confidence and you'll have no problems making friends! hope this helps

Intelligent Highschool dropouts possibilies in society...?

failure is not the way to despair, not all of what is done there will always succes.will failure to go to better things ... see young children learn walking.first only crawl, continues to hold the table, fell and tried to get up until you feel able to stand before a new run. so also in this life,

Do I use "whom" or "who" in this sentence?

The correct term in this particular sentence would be "who," however, the term "whom" is also valid. Using the word "who" will give the sentence a more casual feel and the term "whom" will have the opposite effect.

How do you play the song "pretty you" by dropout year on an acoustic guitar?

I cannot find it anywhere... Whether it's guitar tabs, or chords,... Just please give me something that will show me how to play it on my acoustic guitar. Thanks.(:

Was i wrong to get mad at my friend over this? (kinda long but easy read) please help?

No, its not bad to be mad at her for saying that. shes your friend and she should definitely encourage you to try hard at it! At the very least she could say not to be disappointed if you dont get an A+ because it's hard, which it is. But its definitely not impossible if you try really hard to do an amazing job! Tell her that it upset you because people doubt you a lot, and you'd really appreciate it if she would support you. Best of luck, i know you can do it!

Are there any counselors out there willing to talk to a troubled soul on yahoo messanger?

im not one of them wierd people that like to mess with others....i just need to talk about some things and get some feedback and help me yahoo username is please only add if you are the real deal. thanks :)

Mother is trying to control my school life?

The answer posted by "?" is fairly reasonable, but a guidance counselor may be more helpful. You should discuss your situation with your school's authority on future planning (at my school this was the guidance counselor). You sound like you have clear and responsible goals for your future education, but double-checking these with the counselor could help, and the counselor could also help to address these issues with your parents. Having a informed adult on your side certainly couldn't hurt. Regardless, I hope everything works out well for you.

How much should I feed my 4 1/2 (four and a half) month male Siberian Husky Puppy?

I feed him Acana Puppy and Junior Kibble. I've had him for a month now and I used to feed him half a cup but he's been howling sometimes, meaning he's getting hungrier. I don't want to deprive him and I don't want to over feed him either. Please help soon!

Poem for creative writing?

Omg i love it :D The one i made almost has a connection to yours cuz it talks about being released and free and that's what i feel .

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am unable to help myself and getting physically abused. Please help me?

I am 24 yr old college dropout & unable to get job. My father has warned me that if i want to live in his house, i must not resist his sexual advances. My mom and relatives are refusing to listen. I dont have friends. What to do? He will throw me out of his house if i tell police and i will die.

Do you agree with this quote by Charles Darwin?

The quote is not Darwin. It is Thomas Dixon (another work of whom's was the basis for "Birth of a Nation") from a 1905 book celebrating the Ku Klux Klan. It would best be classified in Christian fiction.

Right to an education.?

So my girlfriend's mom is threatening to pull my girlfriend out of school. Can she do that? like legally can she force her to dropout of school? I mean from what I remember is, that both the student and the parent must give consent to dropout, but I don't know.

Would you read this story? Please?

I think it's good, and you definately have talent. You could make a little more descriptive language though and perhaps make the prolouge part of 1st chapter? And you definately need to make the chapters bigger-longer. I also think you should develop Zach and Chloes relationship over a longer period. Please do not think of this as horrible or mean-just a bit of advice. Also, I love the idea, and it pulls me in. XD

My dog scared the crap outta me.?

I own a boxer/pit mix. He's only 7 months old and sleeps with me. Rite infront of the window. Today at 6:40am he jumped straight up, ran to the window and started barking like crazzii. I've heard him bark b4 but nevr like this. He wuz howling and everything and I kept pushing him away but he held his ground. Anywayz when I looked at him I noticed tht the hairs ontop of his tail wuz standing up, and the hairs on his neck were to. Wht does tht mean.? And wht wuz he so scared of if there wuz nuthin outside.?

What status can I post that would want people to help me next year?

Hey I had problems sophomore year people used to make fun of me because I was shy. Reason was because people bullied me If I was popular I wouldnt be shy at all! Mostly they bullied me because of my best friend Evan he told everyone I was weird and creepy which isnt true at all! So I posted a status saying "Im tired of being misunderstood! When you call me names it hurts me deep inside. I look forward to the day that I can be your friend." They all showed care for me. Now what can I do to ask for help from people to start fresh Junior year. I have some people who now talk to me I just dont hang out with my loosers anymore who made fun of me. I want to tag along with the people who care. What should I post on my facebook saying? Your help would be appreciated.

Will the US NAVY accept this HS DIPLOMA?

Online high schools are frowned upon because they're so easy to cheat on. If they don't make you do any proctored exams there's no way they can confirm you're actually the one doing the work. Because of that, nine times out of ten the military will look at a online diploma as a Tier 3, or even lower than a GED, which is a Tier 2. In other words, you might as well throw that $219 in the trash. If you want to wait until Tuesday I could look up the school on my government computer to see what Tier level it actually falls under. Or, you can just call your Navy recruiter on Monday and see what they say. As for the University of Phoenix; it's an accredited college and some of their exams are proctored. That's why the Navy can accept them. It's up to you what you want to do from here, either join the Army now or get your 15 semester hours and join the Navy later. The 100 level part is true for the most part, the recruiter probably said "just get the credits" because most classes will be 100 level by default. If you take a remedial class that won't be 100 level and it won't count.

Are there any counselors out there willing to talk to a troubled soul on yahoo messanger?

im not one of them wierd people that like to mess with others....i just need to talk about some things and get some feedback and help me yahoo username is please only add if you are the real deal. thanks :)

Whats wrong with my puppy?

I have a puppy. i have had him for 2 days and last night he was sleeping on my lap and suddenly he gets up and starts grawling at one of the doors and the wall in our house. and then did a warning back trype grawl and i picked him up to calm him down and he started whinning and howling like someone was hurting him or stepped on his foot or something. and then he bit me on the hand. but he is the sweeties dog ever. he wouldnt ever hurt anyone. afterwords he was really jumpy and shaking.

I Am Scared Of Approaching Thirty?

I am nearly 28 and will be 30 in two years time. I haven't done much things that twenty somethings should be doing. I am a university dropout, haven't been on vacation for ten years and dated losers. I don't want to be a party animal in my thirties, what should I do?

Opinion on my writing (poetry)?

Pretty well written. It does have flaws like someone pointed out; the angel? the redundant statement. However, you have a great theme going on with realistic tone and good word choice. work on it

Where can you find jeans for short people? Size 13 Short Juniors. I can't find any store?

I'm 19, and I'm around 5'1. I'm a size 11-13. I can't find any jeans short enough. I don't want OLD clothing. I prefer juniors.

I am currently in college, and I want to teach Junior High should I major in Elementary or Secondar education?

You should major in MIDDLE SCHOOL education. If your school doesn't offer this, you should consider switching to one that does. If you're determined to stay, generally a secondary education degree will prepare you better for middle school

My daughters won't talk to me and they're very mad?

I know exactly why they are is acting this way, it's because I am giving away our dog Millie. My daughter Sarah is 10 years old and my daughter Tatum is 10 year old too ( they are twins ). Well we got this Dalmatian puppy for their birthday last month, my husband insisted we get them a puppy so we did and we payed 600 dollars for the dog. Ever since then this house has been turned upside down and I can't take it anymore the dog pees and poops everywhere inside. Millie chews the furniture and my clothes and shoes and everything! The girls take care of her very well but this dog is just out of control. She jumps every, she run around on the furniture, she digs up the flower beds, she always so excited and jumps on me and the girls. Millie also will nip at you and sometimes she gets so excited she pees and scratches us on the legs.She howls all night and when we take her out for a walk she pulls hard and her tail wags so fast it hurts! She also get bored all the time, we buy her tons of toys she plays with them for awhile then never play with them again. I myself feed he properly, walk her three times a day,I let her run free in the yard twice, the girls play with her, we potty trained her when she was a little puppy. She completely insane and goes crazy she bark so loud too. I told the girls I am giving her away because I am and they both cried and threw a tantrum. They screamed at me and yelled " I HATE YOU!" my husband didn't do anything they refuse to talk to me and locked Millie in their room. I explained to them why we have to give Millie away and they still refuse to talk to me. What I am doing is right and there is no doubt about it, this dog idea was stupid and it will never work Millie is to crazy and she can't learn anything she a stupid dog and I am giving her away and maybe putting her down asleep. I haven't told the girls that I might put the dog down. I tried punsihments for the girls but they don't care. Any advice on how I can make them cool down and talk to me again? Help please husband is mad to.

How many years of college to do you need to become a dentist?

Four. And then four years of dental school. And then further training to specialize in orthodontics.

Can a Hindu eat cheese in India?

I grew up on a farm and if we didn't milk the cow she would howl and moan until we did. So with all those cows running around in buildings in India, who milks them and what do they do with the milk? In a country that's starving, do Hindus make an exception sometimes? Are they changing their laws?

What do I need to major in to become an Analyst?

I am a Junior in high school and I am planning on being a counterterroism analyst for the CIA. I was wondering what I needed to major in and what courses do they look for in High School and beyond. (I plan on applying for their internship next year when I am a senior, for my freshman year of college) Can someone please give me real advice thanks.

Does Whistling Straits (Straits Course) have a junior rate?

I know Whistling Straits is expensive, but do they have a lower rate for kids 18 and under or 16 and under? I know a lot off courses have junior rates, but I'm not sure about Straits. Does anyone know if they have one? And if they do have one can you tell me what it is?

I'm considering dropping out of high school. or at least not going to college?

Because the list is not infinite, as you would realize if you knew what "infinite" meant. Most people have to start out working for a living and you will be suited for only Epsilon-level jobs, like sweeping out McDonald's at closing time.

Can you tell me what this is from?

The deaf policeman heard the noise, turned around and shot the boys. If you belive this lie is true, ask the blind man he saw it too.

At what age should you have your college and major picked out?

im an upcoming junior in highschool and im wondering if i should have my college and major picked out already. im leaning heavily towards ucf because i have a high gpa and plan to join clubs and take honors and ap classes. how ever i still only have a faint idea of what i want to major in

Is this ok for a flashback in my story?

I think its a great flashback, though very thrilling and a little *too* descriptive for my tastes. Good job!

I am 24yr old college dropout.With high schooling,i can get waiter,helper etc. jobs?

My mother is post graduate.Father is doctor.They are not allowing me to do these jobs and say they will get insulted.I am now doing graduation and diploma together again.It is impossible to get rent house or government or social help shelter in my country India if i want to move out for my decision.I am running out of money.What should i do?

Is my cat pregnant? Or is something else wrong?

I had a kitten that was born on July 21st. She got out 3 weeks ago and was gone for 6 days. I found her in a tree the 6th day and brought her home. She hasn't been fixed and lately she has been screaming in the middle of the night waking up my whole family. She begs for attention more than ever lately and I could just be tricking myself but I feel like her stomach is getting swollen. She howls during the day sometimes too. Could something else be wrong with her besides that? Thanks.

What do you think causes Blacks and Latino's to have such a high dropout rate?

Please stop comparing blacks to latinos, because that is really annoying to me. I will only answer for blacks. Ever since black people got the right to go to good schools, the educational attainment has been steadily increasing. What caused us to be behind was everything that happened to us up until about 46 years ago. All of the events that happened for a few centuries made us hard to be on equal footing(hard to believe for some people).

Question about applying to college? please answer?

A 2.8 isn't the best but if you happen to do excellent on the SAT (1800+) then that score may be able to off set the GPA.

Romantic Comedy Anime?

Wow, you got a lot of time on your hands. Umm, what about Vampire Knight or Nana or something. I can't remember the rest.

Why dont girls like me?

Im 16 years old and junior in high school. I havent had a gf since 7th grade pretty embarising. I talk to girls and they seem to like it but soon we just drift apart what am i doin wrong i dont think im ugly and a couple girls call me " cute" idk how can i get girls to notice me and like me im kinda shy a nice guy. Please no f up comments thanks!

Best debut album (solo artist)?

I've been wondering which debut album was the best, especially out of: Nas' Illmatic, DMX's It's Dark and Hell is Hot, Kanye's College Dropout,Lupe's Food & Liquor,Pharoahe Monch's Internal Affairs,and Jay-Z's Reasonable Doubt all came to mind.

How to improve class rank?

Your class rank depends not only on your grades but on the grades of every one of those 580 members of your class. And most of them are thinking 'how can I raise my class rank'. No, you probably can't raise it significantly at this point, and no one can tell you how much you can raise it except maybe your guidance counselor, who is the only person with access to everyone's GPA. If you got all A's this year and took the same number of credits each year, you'd graduate with a (3.2 * 3 + 4.0 * 1) / 4 = 3.4 GPA. 6 weeks worth of good grades won't do much of anything even if there is a quarter at the end of that where GPA is recalculated. Colleges ask for unweighted GPA.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love triangle-ish situation?

There is a girl that i have been in love with since college and she has been dating (and engaged to) a friend of mine. The girl is one of my best friends, the guy is also a good friend. She recently broke up with him and professed her love to me. I feel at a crossroads of what to do. Her friendship and her Ex's friendship is extremely important to me. I don't want to lose it. Then again this is someone who I have been crushing on since my junior year of college. I also dont want her to rush into something she will regret after being in a relationship for 2 years. It's a terrible situation and i dont know what to do.

How can a high school dropout get into university?

There is a thirty some year old janitor who wants to go to university to become a physicist that I know. How can this be done? Apparently he is quite intelligent, but left early because of a drug/family problem. Is there anyway that he can return to higher education, even become a professor of physics?

Drug waiver for military?

I already asked about this but would like to shed some light on my charge. I had 3.2 grams when I got caught in Junior year of HS and had only smoked 4 times, I only tried it out and never liked it of course. You think that would improve my chance of getting approved?

What are some nostalgic albums for you?

for me, it would be get rich or die tryin. even though i don't like that album, i remember hearing the singles all the time on the radio and it brings back memories. same with college dropout.

Which high school class should I take?

I'm going to be a senior this fall. Junior year, I took AP Calculus AB and I'm positive I got a 4 or a 5 on the AP test. Should I take AP Calculus BC this fall or would it be better for me to not take a math class and take something else, like AP Environmental Science? If it helps, I want to go to UCI, and I want to be something health-related (doctor, pharmacist, veterinarian, etc). Thanks for the help!

Is it possible to dropout of school for 1 year?

i am at present studing in 12th class..... the classes started this year under C.B.S.E. BOARD.... i was wondering if it is possible to drop out from school for 1 year and then continue school from the same class...because this will give me the precious time that i need to coverup the things i have pending......

How should I break things off with him?

It's not that difficult: Tell him he's an abusive cheater that can only get his life together if he gets his life together, which he will only do when he is independent. And say you need more. And then hand him some Ben and Jerrys and be done with it. And it's very simple to broach the subject: During one of the million times he asks if you're dumping him, answer with a loud and resounding "YEEEEEES!"

Staying in college another year?

Honestly don't be in a hurry to finish, jobs are few and far between. The loans come due in six months and are they high$$$. Take some classes you are interested in, do some out of state/country internships and give it another year. Hopefully employment will change, and ACS will rework loan payments.

What can I do to make my puppy sleep in his crate?

You can try giving him a warm water bottle, or playing music. If worse comes to worse, give him half a children's benydrl. It won't hurt him, but wil make him settle down.

Why are people with less formal education more likely to vote Republican?

I know many high school dropouts and they all are very strong Republicans while those with college degrees I know are more likely to be Democratic.

My family doubts me How should I deal with this?

I'm 17 years old and I attend a secondary school because I'm behind I attend school everyday so I could do better but my Grandmother and Mother always doubts me saying things like I'm not gonna be nothing but a teen mother and a dropout I try to ignore what they say. When my grandmother says it I can kinda shrug it off but when It comes out of my mother mouth it never goes away when she say negative stuff about me It replays in my head the whole time I don't know how to deal with this, Just because I don't go to a real high school at the moment they're doubting me I don't plan on staying in the credit recovery school just until I get enough credits to be considered a senior I plan on graduating and everything I go to school and do my work all the time and then I come home to negativity like your not gonna be **** but a dropout and have lots of kids like really :( they suppose to be motivating me If I didn't have a great boyfriend that supports me and always tell me he loves me and that I'm gonna graduate I seriously think I would of killed myself It hurts so bad to hear it from my family and I feel like nobody really loves me at all but my boyfriend who graduated this year with straight A's and 4.0 GPA ... Then when I try to go out just to get away from this **** my moms would call my grandmother and talk **** about me and then we sometimes have family parties I go and I hear **** like I'm pregnant and I'm doing this and that when I'm really not I don't want to disappoint my mother or family in anyway but when they think like they do I just sometimes think well maybe I should go out and do what they assume I'm doing but I don't because its not me the only way I know of dealing this is moving away from my family but I cant because I'm only 17. I don't wanna be away from my family even though they FAKE, my boyfriend 18 who I try to spend most of my time with because that's the only place I can go and I don't have to worry about anything or anyone saying I'm doing bad stuff and I be happy ... Any ideas on how to deal with this ?

Guaranteed salaries out of service academies?

I am about to enter my Junior year of high school and I am looking for colleges. The USAF Academy and Westpoint are both in my top five on my list of colleges. I know enough about each of them to know that there is required service after, and in that service you are paid just like any other person in that branch of armed forces is. I was wondering what the starting salaries out of the service academies are? It would be great to also know about Navy. Thanks!

Having Trouble Identifying Weird Vintage Cruiser?

This is a very strange bike. It is a men's bike and all the decals are gone, except for on the front forks where there are like two spikes pointing up with a circle surrounding the spikes in the middle. Beneath that is a larger V and the two spikes and the circle are in between the V . Also strange is the fact that instead of two tubes (upper and lower) it has 4 narrow tubes (2 for each of the regular tubes. Also, it has campy dropouts in back that look pointy (like catwoman glasses). On the left rear drop out, "54x41" and "218159" and "MOY" are stamped. On the seat tube, there is one decal that is square, silver metallic, with a gold band around the bottom and one at the top. Below the gold band on the top, there is a "checkerboard" looking thing that is silver and green. Below that are 6 bands of silver. Anyone know what this is? What make? What model? What year? It's pretty funky... The brake arm says "Bendix".

My best friend and I...?

Decided that we should go to the park. My best friend, Catalina, she fell into a deep hole that a nearby gardener was working on. I decided to jump down and I fell in to. The gardener was like "Hey! Get out of there! I'm working on that!" We gulped. And he started yelling and got angry, his face turned red and he jumped so high that the ground shook and the soil fell onto us. We were trapped under tonnes and tonnes of soil. The garderner swore and we heard howls, we suspected he had turned into a werewolf. He stepped over the hole that we were trapped in and we could feel his body weight fall onto us. We were TRAPPED! Luckily I had my computer with me and is now asking this question. It has been two years, 37 weeks and 4 days since we were first trapped. I finally remembered that I had my computer with me one year ago. It took me one year to work out how to use yahoo answers which is surprisingly hard and I have no idea how people understand this. It's taken me one year for me to figure out how to use yahoo answers. Please read all of this I know it is alot and I'm sorry and I need help. How do me and my best friend get out? We have been stuck in here for 2 years now and we have have no food or water for 2 years 37 weeks and 4 days. The werewolf returned the other day and digged us up. He then turned into a giant parrot which then exploded into a lizard which then burst into a sheep. The sheep picked us up and through us one hundred kilometres in the air. The impact on the ground caused us to be trapped again. He then kicked the soil over us and we have been trapped since.

Study Abroad experiences?

Im going into junior year and I'm from philadelphia. I haven't left the state ever and I really just want to experience life in a foreign country before I head off to college. I'd like to hear some experiences and whether or not it would be a good idea to study abroad.

How else can get bigger ?

My name is James Peterson. I weight 164 . I bench max 195, squat max 335. I have a nice frame for a 5'9 1/2 16yr old. Is there anyway i can get bigger before my upcoming junior year for football

Whats some good horror movies?

This week I have been doing alot of homework and its almost friday so this weekend I wanna watch some good horror movies to get my mind off things I like stuff like the howling,american werewolf in paris and london, keepers creepers,black christmas,the wolfman and please no low budget movies so tell me some good horror movies

Anime recommendations please?

There is an anime that I'll think you'll fall in love with (cause I already did)! It's an anime called Shugo Chara! I'm in love with that anime and watch it over and over again! It's gets really interesting that you just can't stop watching! You can find it at! Theres no viruses on that website so you'll be okay! Hope I helped! ~Tori :)

Senior school academic levels in the UK?

Can anyone tell me or explain to me the academic levels in senior schools. I have son in Yr 10 at level 5/6 for most subjects which seems low to me my youngest son is in juniors and the highest level in juniors is 5/6. I don't get it. HELP!!

Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, or Howl's Moving Castle?

I absolutely LOVE Howl's Moving Castle. When I watched Princess Mononoke I was about 7 or 8, so I didn't like it. Howl's Moving Castle is more of a Love/Comedy/Drama, and My Neighbor Totoro is mainly Comedy. :)

I don't know how to start dating?

I actually met a 20 year old virgin and he had the same problems you had, low self esteem for years and then when he was finally ready to date he realized he knew nothing about women. I found his innocence refreshing and sweet. I didn't have to teach him anything we just talked like 2 normal people and got to know each other. If you meet a girl don't tell her about why you've been single and inexperienced for so long it'll just make her pity you and not date you. Find something positive to say about yourself to a girl. Good luck.

Would you be angry in my situation? please I need advice!?

Yes, I think it is silly for you to be mad about this. Your sister may be getting free stuff, but what kind of life does she have? Not a great one, as you have described. Yes, you're working hard and paying a lot of money to do something significant with your life, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to afford or have time to raise a family, so you shouldn't feel like she's the one who's getting everything without working for it. Don't even worry about what kind of life your sister has and don't feel like you're getting the short end of the stick. Because you aren't.

Weightloss tips to lose weight?

SInce I was young always been active I've done soccer, boxing, karate, volleyball and basketball...I've always been on the heavy side.( i'm 16 and i am 210 pounds) I dont know why..I get plenty of excersise a day and I eat healthy! The weight just never comes off! It's like I gain more than I lose...This summer I really want to lose weight and come back my junior year of high school smaller and any good tips? please I am very desperate at this point.....

Why is my cat viciously assaulting me!?

My kittles has been around 2 years now and i got her when she was a baby. i raised her and ive always been the favorite and she sleeps with me and the whole nine yards. i am not around as much as i used to be because i moved to the city. i went back home a few days ago and things were fine like normal but i was with mom and i was about to sit down and suddently her hair stands on end all over tails bushy she starts spitting and hissing and howling and moaning and attacking my ankles. it was quite a show. i left and came back and even at the sound of my voice she was flipping out even to the point where she tried to chase me into my room and if she seen or heard me she was start to put on the same display. she has been spaded for a while and i think she might be in heat. but idk if its even possible to go in heat when you dont have your reproductive organs. what could be her problem!!?!?

Someone please help with what facebook status I can come up with?

Hey I had problems sophomore year people used to make fun of me because I was shy. Reason was because people bullied me If I was popular I wouldnt be shy at all! Mostly they bullied me because of my best friend Evan he told everyone I was weird and creepy which isnt true at all! So I posted a status saying "Im tired of being misunderstood! When you call me names it hurts me deep inside. I look forward to the day that I can be your friend." They all showed care for me. Now what can I do to ask for help from people to start fresh Junior year. I have some people who now talk to me I just dont hang out with my loosers anymore who made fun of me. I want to tag along with the people who care. What should I post on my facebook saying? Your help would be appreciated.

New school, what should I do? (I'll be a junior)?

I'll be a junior in highschool this year and I might be moving. I don't want to be the same person I was at my old school, I've gone to school with the same people my whole life, so what should I do? I dance at a studio for 6 years, and I'm on student council this year. I love to sing too and theaters always fun but i want to be more sporty and get alot of new friends so any suggestions? Please and Thank you! xoxoxo

Dog Visitation Rights?

I broke up with my boyfriend over 2 months ago and had to leave my dog because I moved to MN for school and I couldnt take her with me. and seeing my dog was never a problem. He recently started dating someone new, and all of a sudden said that I was not allowed to see my dog ever again. She is like my child. I love her more then anything else. When I first went and saw her after 3 weeks of being away, she knew who I was immediatly and went crazy, and literally started crying and was howeling saying mama. No joke. Even when he puts me on speaker phone and I start saying her name and that I love her she runs around howling and barking and looking for my voice. I picked her out with my ex when she was only 4 months old. We were never married, so my question is, do I have visitation rights? I cant go back to Iowa very often, and All I want is to be able to see her when I do. I can only go there about once a month, but he is being such a jerk about it. He says that if I take my name off the energy bill, he will change his number and never allow me rights to Chloe. So Im stuck in not only an emotional situation but a financial one as well. When Im away from Chloe I feel like Im missing a part of my soul. Help!

Check out this quote about Education from the Mayor of San Antonio, TX?

The state has an obligation to provide the basic educational needs to all citizens seeking an education. Adam Smith was probably the first proponent of publicly funded education.

Im really sad lately...I feel like I should be more loving towards my family...?

Ok so I am a 13 year old girl (14 next month) and I just feel really different.Not really depressed or sad..maybe more mature or something? I'm not mean to my family,but for some reason I feel like I should be nicer to them.Every time I make a mistake my mom lectures me about how I am cold hearted and should tell her and the rest of my family I love them.She just got remarried a few months ago my real dad left before I was born.My step-dad is ok but he has 2 daughters and they are very rude and I really don't like them.The oldest is 25 and the youngest is 12.They hate me and my brother.My brother is 23 and he's cool.He's always been nice to me,but he's a dropout and so my moms disappointed in him.I have this problem..I can't tell my family that I love matter how much I do..I don't know why and lately I feel like I should but for some reason I'm scared.I even want to hug them sometimes,but I don't..It doesn't bother me to hug my friends at school or tell them I love them..when they could never compare to my family.When all my mom does is say how cold hearted I am for not telling them.My brother and my other family members dont say much either.What is wrong with me???

What to do with teens that dropout? how to avoid it how to make learning more better?

am doing a presentation on school to convince my statistic teacher how to avoid teenage dropouts any ideas ?

Study Abroad Senior Year?? Good Idea or Bad?

I want to study abroad but it'll have to take place during my senior year of highschool. I know about studying abroad in college, but I would like something nice to put on my transcript. I also don't want to miss graduation & want to make sure to take the classes I NEED to take to graduate. I just think that studying abroad is worth so much more than going to prom and stuff. So, I was thinking about taking first semester of my senior year to go abroad? Would that be hard to do? I heard that it's better to do it during Junior Year, but I can't.

Muddy waters vs. howling wolf??????

MudDy waters!!!!! I love him I love his songs!! Along with Billie holiday and Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald and howling wolf but I prefer muddy waters

I think I might be a homo?

If you are gay just roll with it. There is nothing wrong with it. Just go see a therapist, no medication can "fix" you. Would you rather be gay and happy, or pretending to be straight and be pissed 24/7? Those are pretty much your options. Or maybe you just need to experiment your sexuality. Good luck!

What could be the reasons for a car not accelerating?

Without you taking time to list the year, make and model of the car it's impossible to trouble-shoot the problem.

Im really sad lately...I feel like I should be more loving towards my family...?

Ok so I am a 13 year old girl (14 next month) and I just feel really different.Not really depressed or sad..maybe more mature or something? I'm not mean to my family,but for some reason I feel like I should be nicer to them.Every time I make a mistake my mom lectures me about how I am cold hearted and should tell her and the rest of my family I love them.She just got remarried a few months ago my real dad left before I was born.My step-dad is ok but he has 2 daughters and they are very rude and I really don't like them.The oldest is 25 and the youngest is 12.They hate me and my brother.My brother is 23 and he's cool.He's always been nice to me,but he's a dropout and so my moms disappointed in him.I have this problem..I can't tell my family that I love matter how much I do..I don't know why and lately I feel like I should but for some reason I'm scared.I even want to hug them sometimes,but I don't..It doesn't bother me to hug my friends at school or tell them I love them..when they could never compare to my family.When all my mom does is say how cold hearted I am for not telling them.My brother and my other family members dont say much either.What is wrong with me???

What do you think of my writing and how can I improve?

more depth. put some voice and when you were describing the palace it wouldve been awesome if you put some more imagery.

What store has quality women's sweaters?

Juniors would probably fit better than womens, but i could most likely wear a womens small. I am just looking for GOOD quality sweaters. I'm sick of things from stores like forever 21 that fall apart instantly and aren't made very well.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How do I get over a jerk?

I'm a sophomore. And there's this guy, he's always been a jerk to me exspecially in junior high! I'm not gonna say the things he did to me, but they hurt me a lot! He's matured of course, but he is still arrogant. Every once in a while he has his moments, but he can still be a jerk. For some reason I like him, but I really don't want to! hellppp!!!

What would you do in this situation?

I don't blame you since you can't get help in caring for the dog. But I guess your husband wants one. Just tell your husband he can sleep with the dog in the dog house. Maybe that will work.

Do you think I can get into Harvard?

Everyone applying has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores. All that alone only makes you about an average applicant. However, the beauty queen thing makes you a novelty, so you've got a decent shot at a top school based on that and the combination with great grades and test scores. That alone wouldn't get you in, but with everything else, you'll have a shot at it. However, they do only take 6% of applicants. Have a lot of back-up plans.

Was i wrong to get mad at this situation with my friend?

Been there done that, most of the time people are just jealous of your accomplishments, I have seen so many friends just hating each other secretly but acting like the best of friends whilst making those little sneaky hurtful comments. Seriously the more doubt you get the more you will persevere just don't let it get to you. Good luck, you can do it!

What Studio Ghibli movie should I watch next?

I've seen Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle and Ponyo. I've enjoyed them all (except ponyo), so I was wondering if there any you could reccomend i watch.

RHH: Q-Tip or Kanye West?

Kanye West. Never heard any of Tip's solo albums, but I'm sure they aren't as good as Kanye's. Q-Tip alone is a pretty good rapper, but you have to admit that without Phife he would be nothing. Separate they're decent, together the two are one of the most legendary combos in hip hop. If it was A Tribe Called Quest or Kanye West question I would say the Tribe, but Kanye clearly is the better solo MC.

What should I do?, a puppy from rent whimpering for 2 days straight and owners not here?

Call the people you rent to them, tell them about the puppy and ask them to come home and take care of it or you going to go in, or call the police to check it out.

NYU and Yale Universities?

Everyone applying to Yale has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores, and they take about 8% of applicants. You need all that and a lot more to get in. As far as activities go, they'd rather see one great activity related to your major (publishing a novel, doing original research, starting a business, whatever you plan to major in and how you've gotten involved in the field) than joining everything out there. With 'very good' grades, good SAT, and lots of random activities, you're an average applicant at best. NYU is a bit easier to get into, but not a lot easier.

I'm in love with this girl?

So here's the story in a nutshell. I've known this girl since freshman year (I'm a rising junior). We've recently become close friends and I feel like we trust one another. I recently revealed to everyone that I'm asexual (I don't want to have relationships/sex) a couple of months ago, but now I feel like I might be in love with my friend. I've never felt this way for another person. She recently got a girlfriend, but it's a long distance relationship (they've never met in person and she claims "I don't know if I'm gay or anything"). I feel like I really care for my friend, in a more than friend way, but I don't know how to say this. I don't want to be like "yeah, I said I was asexual, but I actually like you". To top it off, I don't feel like I'm gay/bi or whatever. I've never felt this way for other girls. I've had dreams about girls, but I don't count that. And it doesn't help that my friends have recently been teasing me, saying I'm gay because I act weird (apparently I give off a gay vibe). All I know is, I care for this girl, more than anyone. We've grown apart in the past month because I can't stand it when she talks about her "girlfriend". What do I do?

What are some anime movies like Howl's Moving Castle?

I've seen all the Hayao Miyazaki films so please don't recommend that. I really liked the romance and fantasy in Howl's Moving Castle.

Did God design a family to be led by a husband and wife, or by a single parent with or without a "partner"?

Currently, almost 60 percent of black children, 32 percent of Hispanic children and 21 percent of white children live in single-parent homes. According to the CDC, DoJ, DHHS and the Bureau of the Census, children who live apart from their fathers account for 63 percent of teen suicides, 70 percent of juveniles in state-operated institutions, 71 percent of high-school dropouts, 75 percent of children in chemical-abuse centers, 80 percent of rapists, 85 percent of youths in prison, 85 percent of children who exhibit behavioral disorders, and 90 percent of homeless and runaway children.

16 year old GED HELP?

So up untill tonight, my focus as a 15 year old have been quite narrow-minded. I go to school simply because it's "what you do", not in a bad way, I have excellent grades, etc. More to the point, My dad has homeschooled me on and off for the past 5 years, I havent had much planning ahead guidance and this year have fallen extremely behind in my schooling. I go to an online school, themorningstaracademy and unless I get the summer extension, which I cant afford by tomorrow, the deadline, Im going to fail two of my 6 classes because I wont be able to finish all the assignments. I started super late because I and everyone else around me has a mac, I had just got mine and couldnt affor to buy a PC which is what I needed for school. Its not that im incapable, This is my first year taking AP classes and I hav excelled, there simply isnt enough time. That being said, I have few options. I can transition into public schools for the 3rd time and run a high risk of being placed BACk two grades or more, can continue with online school which I cant afford to do because my parents now see me as not being able to handle it, which I understand from their perspective, but being the one actually trying to do it right, I just couldnt get it all done. And my third option, my birthday is in two months, so I could go straight for my GED, and start life basically. Im not particularly in favor of any of these options, because when I think GED, I have this illiterate, "prescious" type stereotype in my mind, as if im some stupid dropout who will in the eyes of others will never acheive anything, which im not calling ANYBODY by the way, thats just the stupid image I have in my mind. Im not sure what to do, any input right now would be helpful. I do want to go to college and a good one at that. Being homeschooled for so long, I havent had any guidence when it comes to the future and pursuit of education, career, etc.

Separation anxiety in my puppy?

just last sunday we got a new puppy. he's a border collie/basset hound. he is also 7 wks (btw i asked my vet if 7 wks was too young N she said it's fine as long as the mom has weaned him N the owner said she did) but i think he has separation anxiety cuz if im not in the room wit him he will cry, bark, N howl until i come to him. he also wont eat unless i stand rite there (but thats cuz his original owner wud watch him as he ate). all nite he howls N barks N even tho we're in the other room we can hear him. i dont know how to make it stop. he also gets so upset that he spills his food N water N gets it everywhere. i keep him in the kitchen in a pretty big puppy pen. but we're getting so frustrated, we dont know wat to do. he also follows us everywhere we go N if he loses sight of us he crys. pls help!

Another magic question for the rule book?

if i play the howl of the night pack card and i have creatures that produce green mana, would those creatures contribute to the howl of the night pack's ability? i.e. i have five forest and two llanawar elves. how many wolves would i get?

Can I get into ole miss with a 3.4 gpa?

Hello i live in california and wish to go to ole miss. im currently involved in two clubs (the young entrepreneurs club/The non partisan debate club) that im the president of and never had a c in any class in high school until second semester of my junior year at which point i got a c+ in spanish and chemistry dropping my gpa to a 3.45 unweighted. Im not sure what it would be weighted as i got two A's in ap english and two bs in ap us history. Furthermore my extracurriculars Include being a boys state delegate, doing krav maga self defense since 8th grade, running my own ebay business, being a community emergency response team volunteer, passing my ham radio exam and being a ham radio operator and national young leadership conference delegate.

My brother scares me half of the time.He doesnt go out to scare me...he just does..?

Ok so I am a 13 year old girl.I have a 23 year old brother.He scares me half of the time.I don't know why.He doesnt do anything or change moods.Half the time I love talking to him because he's awesome and really fun to talk to,but the other time im positive he hates me and im scared of him even though he's still really cool.My mom is dissapointed because he never finished school and still lives with us and my step-dad has always hated him.He's pretty much the dropout guitar player,that smokes,and his parents are dissapointed in him and he scares the crap out of his little sister.Im seriously like 90% sure he hates me.I don't know why he scares me.I wish I did,but i dont.When I talk to him hes nice.I dont really think he would hurt me.Why do I feel like this? and what to do?

Any good Anime/animated movies?

"Memories" was a pretty interesting anthology type movie with three stories by different directors (even though I only "Stink Bomb" really entertaining)

Should I tell her I like her?

Have you thought about the idea that she hasn't hooked up with anyone because she wants to hook up with you? if she's bi and your a know lesbian, then what'll it hurt to ask?

What status can I post that would make people want to help me out?

Hey I had problems sophomore year people used to make fun of me because I was shy. Reason was because people bullied me If I was popular I wouldnt be shy at all! Mostly they bullied me because of my best friend Evan he told everyone I was weird and creepy which isnt true at all! So I posted a status saying "Im tired of being misunderstood! When you call me names it hurts me deep inside. I look forward to the day that I can be your friend." They all showed care for me. Now what can I do to ask for help from people to start fresh Junior year. I have some people who now talk to me I just dont hang out with my loosers anymore who made fun of me. I want to tag along with the people who care. What should I post on my facebook saying? Your help would be appreciated.

What does he mean by this?

maybe or maybe he just wants a kiss, just be careful and don't be afraid to say no or speak your mind.

About my sons academic level?

Can I get my sons academic level tested independently? I don't wholly trust the schools level he is at. I have had to fight his case all the way thru junior school and he has had a good teacher the last 2 yrs who has been able to extend him but I still feel he has more to give and the school ( which failed it's Ofsted) are not bringing out the best in him. He is currently in Year 5

Can't find a Kanye West poster?

I'm going to college and i decided i want to decorate my room with posters of my favorite things so i really wanted to get some Kanye posters. Not just posters of himself, posters of his album covers like college dropout, late registration and graduation. I have looked for these posters but i couldnt find any. Does anyone know if they make posters like this that are big enough for a dorm room. Im looking for like a 22x27 size but could go smaller if need be.

I am 24yr college dropout.I want to do job but with high schooling,i can get only waiter,helper etc. jobs?

My mother is post graduate.Father is doctor.They are not allowing me to do these jobs and say they will get insulted.I am now doing graduation and diploma together again.It is impossible to get rent house or government or social help shelter in my country India if i want to move out for my decision.I am running out of money.What should i do?

Im scared about this?

so im going to be a junior next year and i have been looking at colleges and ik wat i wana major in and become, but the colleges im looking at are so expensive and ik im going to get some scholarships cuz i have a 3.9 GPA and im involved in alot of extra curriculars, but im still scared of how im going to pay for college cuz my parents said they werent guna help and i mean i have a full time job for the summer and it turns into a part time one during the school year so i'll be making money but im still scared

How long until a new cat to a home can go outside without getting lost?

Buy a cat lead for a start cos it will need watching for 6 weeks at least untill it knows its new home so cat lead and take it out on it for the first couple of weeks and than take it back in doors so it knows where if you got a cat flap still cat lead but stick it back threw the door and tell someone the other side to catch hold of it

Question about applying to collegee??please answer ;]?

It really depends on what college you're looking at. For state colleges, having a cumulative 3.7 is pretty good but not for private ones. And by above average Sat score, do you mean around 1700s? (based on the fact that average score is 1400-1500) Not just having a good GPA, but you also need a set of extracurricular activities, honor societies, volunteer hours, and teacher recommendations. Taking honor classes sure is a plus and colleges do look at the work load of each student so that is also equated in. Hope this helpped.

High school classes to take for being a pharmacist?

I am going into my junior year of high school next year and have decided I want to be a pharmacist. What classes should I be taking next year for this career? Thanks

Vintage Bicycle Model, Make and Year?

I just got a vintage ladies cruiser and I can't figure out what model, make and year it is. All of the decals have been painted over and over again. At the rear left dropout the letters "SE" and "E338064" is stamped. There is also another stamp "F13783" which is believe is under the crank. The top tube is actually two smaller tubes. Does any know what this bike is?

Why does god throw all these challenges on my family?

I'm 18 and I live in Brooklyn in a harsh neighborhood. First I'll begin with my beliefs. When I was younger, I didn't believe in god even though I was baptized and christian born. Lately I've been feeling more spiritual with myself and even though I didn't believe in god, I still read about Christianities history and laws (due to my huge interest in history). Now, I don't fully believe in god (although I do believe in a single 'energy' up there) but I still follow many of his laws and try to keep my sins to a minimum (even small things such as not littering). I was always a kind kid always wanting to help people and just have friends and find love. However, because of the harshness of my area I was led to drug abuse and scams (although they weren't as extreme level as most of my surrounding people). I;ve been praying for my safety and my moms safety. In return, I had my car vandalized for $10,000 of damages (because of one of my friends actions), last week again all my tires were slashed (again because of something other people did) and I can't do much about it, even though I never meant the people that did this to me any harm or scams. On top of that, a year before, my dad had an affair with my mom and left us, took almost everything we had from us, and left us in bankruptcy. Its just me and my mom living in a rented apartment with low on money and my mom is trying extremely hard to find a job. She's been having health problems because of the seperation and her emotions are getting worse rapidly because she's losing hope of finding a job and our cash reserves are running very low and I pray for the best, mostly for my mom even before myself. In my junior high school and high school years, I never had friends and instead everybody would always make fun of me because I couldn't properly adapt, instead of partying I would stay home and read about politics, military, history, and music because those were my interests but everybody around me thought otherwise. I never had a girlfriend because I never was the type of guy to have sex with a girl and leave them or play around with their emotions because love around here is just a game, and all the girls that I liked have rejected me always. As for my drug abuse, I do them significantly less as before and been trying to just get away from everyone I know for a while now, because theres no trust here at all between people that I've even known for years, which led to my car being vandalized more then twice and other instances which cause a high alert for me and my mom, which naturally makes my street experience rise. Me and my mom go to church every now and then and I still like to talk with god and ask him for help, but everything just seems to get worse, that I only have enemies around and no real friends, not me nor my mom. I don't think I've ever sinned so much to deserve all this and I ask for forgiveness for anything bad that I've done. I heard that karma usually hits hard for something my family has done before, but this is too much, will god ever help us? I just have no clue where else to turn too.

Monday, July 11, 2011

I Never Have Anything To Talk About?

u should talk about stuff that's happening in todays society also you can always watch mtv for tips or things lie that besidesits cool if u dont fit in cuz their will always be some one that will wanna be with you or play with you and as u grow up guy will only think on kissing u and having sex (highschool).

A question for the GED.?

Is it hard for a second language learner to pass the GED test? I mean, i am studying for the GED for a year, and before i went to the GED program, I had been learning English for only half year, so until now, i have been learning English for 1 and half years already. I am a Chinese, who did not graduate from Junior, and did not study well before in school. i have overcome a lot during the school time. I know that i can not wipe my past, and i also know that everything i am doing right now is creating the future. ( i just failed my practice essay again:( and i am feeling a little bit stress, i just want someone can comfort me because i have been doing so hard, but still failed. However, i will be alright days later :) )

What is a good front occupation for my character who has political connections but also is head of a drug ring?

The traditional one is something to do with shipping or exporting / importing goods. Difficult to find someone's drug shipment when it's mixed in with ten thousand other perfectly legal shipments.

Do you believe in fate?

a href=";_ylt=AiRNRH9Fwe.YbfOLoRwmWjnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110630214126AApFRFL";…/a

Contemplating euthanizing my cat... Any advice?

get a second opinon before you even consider that!!! who knows, they could be wrong and it could have a simlpe fix, hope things workout, also, keep in mind that vets and ppl try to scam as much money as they can out of you, dont fall for all the useless tests and stuff they try to do just for more money..

What does my creepy black bat dream mean?

I had this dream the other night where i walked out my back door at night and i saw this thing. It was huge. About 15 feet long and 10 feet tall and it was black and hovering above the ground. It was a bat like thing with huge wings and glowing red eyes. It was also making this strange howling noise. Its very hard to explain what it was. Does anyone know what this dream could mean?