Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My family doubts me How should I deal with this?

I'm 17 years old and I attend a secondary school because I'm behind I attend school everyday so I could do better but my Grandmother and Mother always doubts me saying things like I'm not gonna be nothing but a teen mother and a dropout I try to ignore what they say. When my grandmother says it I can kinda shrug it off but when It comes out of my mother mouth it never goes away when she say negative stuff about me It replays in my head the whole time I don't know how to deal with this, Just because I don't go to a real high school at the moment they're doubting me I don't plan on staying in the credit recovery school just until I get enough credits to be considered a senior I plan on graduating and everything I go to school and do my work all the time and then I come home to negativity like your not gonna be **** but a dropout and have lots of kids like really :( they suppose to be motivating me If I didn't have a great boyfriend that supports me and always tell me he loves me and that I'm gonna graduate I seriously think I would of killed myself It hurts so bad to hear it from my family and I feel like nobody really loves me at all but my boyfriend who graduated this year with straight A's and 4.0 GPA ... Then when I try to go out just to get away from this **** my moms would call my grandmother and talk **** about me and then we sometimes have family parties I go and I hear **** like I'm pregnant and I'm doing this and that when I'm really not I don't want to disappoint my mother or family in anyway but when they think like they do I just sometimes think well maybe I should go out and do what they assume I'm doing but I don't because its not me the only way I know of dealing this is moving away from my family but I cant because I'm only 17. I don't wanna be away from my family even though they FAKE, my boyfriend 18 who I try to spend most of my time with because that's the only place I can go and I don't have to worry about anything or anyone saying I'm doing bad stuff and I be happy ... Any ideas on how to deal with this ?

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