Monday, July 18, 2011

I think i lost my best friend?

my best friend of god only knows how many years recently started talking to this girl who is absolutely no good, high school dropout and basically an alcoholic at 19 years old, and i politely asked him wtf he was doing. he then went on a ludicrous rant for 20 mins( im assuming it was that long as i received 15 text messages simultaneously) about how im an asshole and how all he wants to do is be happy and i never let him and that im jealous of his every being and blah blah blah, when first off i was doing my best friend duty of telling him he was about to **** up big time and i told him that the only jealous i was is that he can get any girl he wants, which is actually true, but yet he is too stupid to find the girl that is actually good for him. well i apologized and told him that he can do what he likes and that im there for him if it doesn't work out and he goes on another preposterous tirade of how im a dick and that no matter what he tries nothing is ever good enough for me and blah blah blah so i said kid look i said im sorry what is your deal and he told me to **** off!!!!!!! did i do something wrong i mean i was just trying to help he has tried this with 2 other girls and i told him it was going to be bad and i was right but he wouldn't listen so was i wrong here or is he just being a jackass about this whole thing

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