Thursday, July 14, 2011

My daughters won't talk to me and they're very mad?

I know exactly why they are is acting this way, it's because I am giving away our dog Millie. My daughter Sarah is 10 years old and my daughter Tatum is 10 year old too ( they are twins ). Well we got this Dalmatian puppy for their birthday last month, my husband insisted we get them a puppy so we did and we payed 600 dollars for the dog. Ever since then this house has been turned upside down and I can't take it anymore the dog pees and poops everywhere inside. Millie chews the furniture and my clothes and shoes and everything! The girls take care of her very well but this dog is just out of control. She jumps every, she run around on the furniture, she digs up the flower beds, she always so excited and jumps on me and the girls. Millie also will nip at you and sometimes she gets so excited she pees and scratches us on the legs.She howls all night and when we take her out for a walk she pulls hard and her tail wags so fast it hurts! She also get bored all the time, we buy her tons of toys she plays with them for awhile then never play with them again. I myself feed he properly, walk her three times a day,I let her run free in the yard twice, the girls play with her, we potty trained her when she was a little puppy. She completely insane and goes crazy she bark so loud too. I told the girls I am giving her away because I am and they both cried and threw a tantrum. They screamed at me and yelled " I HATE YOU!" my husband didn't do anything they refuse to talk to me and locked Millie in their room. I explained to them why we have to give Millie away and they still refuse to talk to me. What I am doing is right and there is no doubt about it, this dog idea was stupid and it will never work Millie is to crazy and she can't learn anything she a stupid dog and I am giving her away and maybe putting her down asleep. I haven't told the girls that I might put the dog down. I tried punsihments for the girls but they don't care. Any advice on how I can make them cool down and talk to me again? Help please husband is mad to.

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