Friday, July 15, 2011

Dragged down by society?

Well first off i'm black and from the ghetto and was made to believe I had a flaw by my community friends and family included.I was brainwashed from a young age to believe that flaw and was teased about it by my friends and family in the community.I became depressed and withdrawn and lost my funny and out going personality and became a serious unhappy person.Whenever I tried to better my life by enrolling in programs people would tease me about the made up flaw.Which made my self esteem even lower.Than I turned to drugs to ease the depression and emotions.I found recently that all I was fed was lies.And that they just wanted to bring me down to feel better about themselves and keep me down.Not to brag i'm a very handsome guy but thought I was ugly and less than which caused self hatred.What should I do now to get my life on track to be the person I was supposed and want to be.I'm currently a high school dropout I also moved away from that community and am now with the otherside of my family and wish I did it earlier I told them and they started crying?

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