Monday, July 11, 2011

I always fight with my family because it bothers me that my sister abuses the system.?

My sister is 23 and she has two kids because she decided when she was 20 that having a child was a good decision despite being financially unstable, not to mention with a man who had no job. Now three years later she works a lousy two days a week at a nursing home doing CNA work while her boyfriend works late afternoons/nights at a fruit packaging plant making minimum wage. She just got a new job at a coffee shop (I have no idea why considering she would make more money if she picked up hours at her job where she makes more then minimum wage.. oh wait I do because she's freaking lazy) and is getting five days a free daycare from the state. She also receives WIC benefits and food stamps. It really really pisses me off. Here I am 19 years old in college paying out of my *** to be there and I can't even find a minimum wage job because of people like her who go out of there way to get a second job making low wages so they can get free money from the government. Never the less I'm a college student and she's a high school dropout! Whenever I bring it up to my family they get mad and say I'm a *****. It also really bothers me that she's putting my niece and nephew in daycare so many times a week, I don't think she realizes that she's giving up time with them. Time that she will never be able to get back! It makes me feel like she doesn't care to be around her children! I also get really mad because in the future, now that I've worked my *** off and spent tons of money to get a degree, I probably won't be able to afford to have a child because I'll be paying for everything, while she got it all free because she made a shitty life decision. Am I wrong for thinking this way because my entire family makes me feel that way. I feel like the government makes teenage girls feel like it's okay to have a child because there going to get it all for free anyway!

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